Jul 26, 2010

Pile Design and Construction Practice

This book was uploaded as per request of one of my friends, Obama, (not the president of the United States, :) ) who is regular visitor to my blog. This book is written by Author Michael J. Tomlinson and John Woodward, this is fifth edition. I hope that it can help Obama.

Here is a description of the book:

Published in the Taylor and Francis
ISBN 0-203-96429-2 © 1977, 1987, 1994, 2008 Michael Tomlinson and John Woodward

The increased adoption of piling is not only due to the availability of more efficient mechanical equipment. Developments in analytical methods of calculating bearing capacity and dynamic methods for load and integrity testing have resulted in greater assurance of sound long-term performance. Further economies in foundation and superstructure design are now possible because of the increased ability to predict movements of piles under load, thus allowing engineers to adopt with confidence the concept of redistribution of load between piles with consequent savings in overall pile lengths and cross-sectional dimensions, as described in this new edition. Since the publication of the fourth edition of this book, Euro-code 7, Geo-technical Design, has been issued. As the name implies this code does not deal with all aspects of foundation design; there are extensive cross-references to other Euro-codes dealing with such matters as the general basis of design and the properties of constructional materials. The Code does not cover foundation design and particularly construction as comprehensively as the present British Standard 8004 Foundations, and the British National Annex to Euro-code 7 is yet to be published. The authors have endeavored to co-ordinate the principles of both codes in this new book.

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